I'm a cradle Catholic, former knight in the loyal order of the Knights of Columbus, Council Nș 13161 and loyal to the magisterium and the Holy Father. I live in the beautiful North Georgia mountains. I'm a Roman Catholic and a defender of the faith. Our faith and traditions are constantly being attacked from all sides. Especially by Quasi-Christian groups along with Protestant & Fundamentalist. For the most part, our baneful aggressors are completely misinformed, including former Catholics who also stand in opposition. We all need to educate ourselves in the Apologetics and ecclesiology of The faith. Visit the Links page and connect to some of the internet's best Catholic apologetic and online bible websites which also include the (Deuterocanonical books), that will educate you on this, the apostolic church of Christ.

December 1999.

"Extra Ecclesiam Nullus Omnino Salvatur"

http://catholicboy.faithweb.com/ (4924 bytes)

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