Jeremiah 13:18 " Say to the king and to the queen mother: come down from your throne"
Of particular import are the following observations:
1.Adonijah assumed that the queen mother would approach the King on his behalf; he trusted her.
2. The reaction of the King is noteworthy: he stood up to meet her and paid her homage.
3. A throne was provided for her, and she sat at his right.
In Ezekiel there is a reference to a gate which is a type of Mary.
[Proverbs 15: 29] "The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous. "
Even the "reformers" were staunch defenders of Mary:
Was Laban the brother of Jacob? No, he is his UNCLE.
It can also just mean an ally!:
The fact that Mary is the mother of God is simple logic:
Mary is the mother of Jesus
+ Jesus is God
=Mary is the mother of God
Or, we can just look at the Bible:
To say otherwise is to either say Jesus is not God, or to say Mary did not give birth to Jesus.
Let's start with the objections. The Protestant position may be summed up as follows:
Our Faith is filled with examples of God working in
mysterious and miraculous ways, from feeding His
people in the desert, to granting children to those
thought to be barren, to curing the sick, raising from
the dead, taking on flesh and becoming man--in the
light of all of this, why should it be difficult for us to
believe that God mystically applied the merits and
graces won on Calvary to His Mother, so that she
would be as worthy as possible to be the Ark of the
New Covenant, the Mother of God? We know that,
since He is God, He is able to do this if He so
wished. The only remaining question, then, is:
"How probable is it that God wished for the woman
chosen to bring Jesus Christ into the world to be as
pure and worthy as any human being could be?" Or
maybe it sounds even more clear when stated
negatively: "How probable is it that God would allow
Jesus Christ to take His flesh from, be nourished for
nine months in the womb of, be born of, be nursed
from, and be raised by a woman tainted by original
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